Cause and Effect as a Leader in Hospitality

Enhanced LIfe Coaching-Cause and Effect

Cause and Effect as a Leader in Hospitality

Have you ever felt that society seems to support the people who are at the effect of everything and everyone?

I have found that the realization of whether we are at cause or effect, is the true sum total of all our experiences putting us where we are today in our leadership, managerial style and life experiences.

Research says that when we experience a negative emotion (or we are at the effect of someone or something), the hypothalamus (part of the brain) gets stimulated from electric impulses from within the brain, which means that the meaning of an event is nothing more than an electrical impulse. The idea of the event is sent back to the hypothalamus and it releases something called neuropeptides which go down into the pituitary gland and into the blood stream and connect with every cell in the body changing the way that cell vibrates.

So, being at the effect leads to stress, changes our body.

An emotion (or being at the effect) is always related to some form of mental inner commentary or internal dialogue.

Science and research also tell us that stress is the biggest health problem.

Stress is what closes the heart.

The more stressed people are then the less intuitive they become. Being a leader in hospitality this would be something that you would see a lot of.

Every-time you experience stress, the sac around the internal torso squeezes the blood out of the liver, kidney, heart and intestines. The blood gets sent to the arms and the legs.
This is a primal and ancient part of us, as in a long ago past, we needed it to save ourselves from the sabbath tooth tiger. We still have that primal reaction, the ancient predators are long gone, but in the new millennium, it is the tax man, too much information, Ex-husband etc.
When the sac is constricted it is squeezing out blood, oxygen, hydration, nutrition, and the ability to clean all the cells. This also creates a high level of cortisol.

Research also says that too much cortisol makes us stupid as it lowers our IQ by 20-30 points.
Because The heart also doesn’t open properly, that means less information and less intuition.
The more relaxed we are, the more we can tune into our intuition.

There was a time though in my past where I would unconsciously fill up my mind with stories, limiting beliefs and negative thoughts.

Recent years I have been very interested in the human potential and the power of the mind. Because of this I studied NLP and became a master coach and trainer and I also became a clinical hypnotherapist.
Through all my studies and research, I have come to the realization that the most powerful tool in human psychology is stories- good or bad. We need to understand that our beliefs are our foundation. Once I did the work which meant becoming my own first client, I changed my stories.
I realized that these stories I had originally created don’t have to be long stories. They can be as small as ‘I am an idiot’ OR ‘I am successful’.
Soon, I realized that once we shift the story, then everything shifts.

Now I want to teach you 5 powerful steps to help you as a leader in hospitality and make sure you are at cause and not at the effect of your team or customers.

  1. As hospitality leaders we need to realize cause means being responsible and accountable. At the same time, being at the ‘effect’ is being disempowered and not in control. If we are not in control of our mind, then I can guarantee you that someone else is will be. This could be your team or your customers.
  2. When we are at cause’, we use our Instincts, gut feeling and our intuition and these are the main things that highly successful people in hospitality have as they that are not at the ‘effect of other people or other things. When we are highly emotional, or at the ‘effect’, then we are over-run with emotions. My observations are that Successful leaders make decisions quickly. The better that they make decisions quickly, then the faster things move in the business.
  3. When we are observing other successful people and leaders whether through books or webinars or within our community, we want to make sure that our internal dialogue is clear. Rather than saying to ourselves ‘wow, I could never be that rich or be a leader like that’ we need to say to ourselves ‘they are just like me’. This is so important to change your thoughts as it allows you to filter out all the things that you think you can’t be and shows you all the ways in how you can be.
  4. Self-sabotage is a primal function. It is hardwired in the reptilian part of the brain. We as mammals like to hang out in herds and our number 1 goal is to survive and our number 1 threat is rejection. Through generations of stories, we have been made to believe that the herd views wealth as evil. The biggest problem is that we think that wealthy people are bad, and we tend to sabotage ourselves out of fear so as not to become wealthy otherwise we might be seen as bad. Ask yourself where you got that story from. Maybe your parents, teachers, friends and realize that it is their story-not yours.
  5. Just know that in life, whatever you need-will control you. The most powerful person on the planet is the person who needs nothing.