
PSYCH-K® is a user friendly way to re-write the software of your mind and change the print-out of your life! PSYCH-K® provides a variety of ways to quickly identify and transform beliefs that 'limit' you into beliefs that 'support' you, in any area of your life. Without...

Do you know anyone around you who is under immense stress or has lived with a trauma and negative emotions in their life? I would like to take you on a journey inside your body and mind and show you what is really happening within you...

There is a growing understanding in health research on the damaging physical effects of past negative emotions and limiting beliefs. It has shown early anguish can create susceptibility to conditions involving inflammatory processes including heart disease, stress, fear, phobias and anxiety. Early negative emotional memories have...

Depression is the leading cause of illness. Are you aware that more than 300 million people are now living with depression according to the latest estimates from WHO. The lack of support for people with mental disorders, coupled with a fear of shame not to mention...

At Enhanced Life Coaching, I have noticed that people are becoming more aware of the important exchange between the systems of the body, mind and heart health. In my Adelaide Hypnotherapy clinic, these are the same people who are tired of living with stress, trauma, depression and...